Nutritional Immunology

Should People with Arthritis Exercise?

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, which results in pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement. The last thing that people with arthritis may want to do is to exercise, but it may actually be good for them. May, which is the Arthritis Awareness Month, is a good time to learn how physical activity can be beneficial for Arthritis conditions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control in the United States, exercise is one of the best ways to combat the onset of arthritis as well as to control pain and improve function, reported Medical News Today. Exercise helps strengthen the joints, while reducing pain and stiffness.It also helps with weight management, which is very important because obesity and inactivity can add extra pressure on the joints.

“People who have arthritis are often scared to exercise because they think they will hurt themselves, but the condition will only get worse if people don’t get moving,” said Ms Valerie Walkowiak, Medical Integration Coordinator at the Loyola Center for Fitness.

The best exercise routine will depend on what type of arthritis you have, Ms Walkowiak added. However, all of these workouts should include stretching, muscle-strengthening and low-impact aerobic exercise.

“For all arthritis sufferers, the most beneficial exercise will be stretching to increase range of motion around an infected joint,” said Ms Walkowiak.

Muscle strength training also is important for improving daily function. This includes lifting weights two to three times a week with days of rest in between to allow for muscle recovery. One should not experience pain when performing exercises. Low-impact aerobic exercises include walking, stationary bikes, yoga, tai chi and gardening.

Whatever exercise you choose, Ms Walkowiak has this advice: Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too far. And get professional advice before starting a programme.


2 Responses to “Should People with Arthritis Exercise?”

  1. thanks for the very nice information, its of great help to us who have arthritis

  2. Thank you Anabella! Please visit this blog often and share your thoughts with us. My aim is to add value to readers who are healthy-lifestyle conscious 🙂

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