Nutritional Immunology

Health Benefits of Cactus

When it comes to nutritious plant foods, cactus is top of my favourites. In traditional Chinese medicine, cactus is considered to be “cold” in nature, and can promote the flow of qi and blood circulation. It is used to help reduce swelling and relieve pain with its cooling and detoxifying properties. It is believed to […]

Almonds boost the elimination of bad cholesterol

Researchers at at Pennsylvania State University recently confirmed the anti-cholesterol benefits of almonds. Regular intake of a handful of almonds increased levels of mature HDL or “good cholesterol” particles, which are associated with cardiovascular health, by 19 percent. According to a study published on Friday, August 11 in the Journal of Nutrition, almonds may not […]

Nutrition in Plants

Our body needs wholesome nutrients to perform perfectly. Apart from strengthening our defenses, these nutrients aid the body in growth and development, cell repair, and a variety of physiological functions. Many of us think that protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats are the only nutrients we need. Actually, there are three other types of nutrients […]

Healthy Living

All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. However, most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients due to our harried lifestyles. The following strategies will help you to jump-start healthy eating habits. Morning Must-haves Researchers at the Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third […]

Nutritional Immunology

Welcome the blog of sharing the gift of health and knowledge to mankind! Nutritional Immunology is a highly relevant science that revolves around the fundamental desire of human beings to fight diseases and live longer quality life. It’s founder is a world reowned sciencetist, Dr. Jau-Fei Chen, who has won numerous prestigious awards including the “Ten Outstanding Young […]

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