10 Tips to Achieve Good Mental Health
These 10 tips can help you achieve or regain good mental health. Apply them to your life today!
- Value Yourself ~ Realise that you are unique as an individual. Be confident of your abilities and resist the urge to underestimate yourself. Do your best, but don’t keep blaming yourself if you make some mistakes along the way. Instead, learn from your mistakes and move on.
- Know Your Strengths and Limitations ~ All of us have our strengths and weaknesses. Recognising and accepting them can help build your confidence and self-esteem. Make a list of your strength and weaknesses. What are your skills and interests? What are the things you have difficulty with or make you feel frustrated when you carry them out? Ask your family and friends for their opinions of you. To get a clearer idea of yourself, include the qualities they mention in the list as well.
- Stay Connected With Your Loves Ones ~ Develop and maintain strong and supportive relationships with your family and friends. Having people in our lives that we can rely on has an impact on our emotional wellbeing. Staying connected requires you to be open about your feelings with your loves ones. Whether it is to share a piece of good news or simply to tell them about your day, such openess strengthens the relationships you have with them. It also allows other people to become aware of what is bothering us.
- Manage Your Time ~ Practice good time management to minimise stress and tension. Prioritise the tasks you need to do. Don’t waste time worrying about aspects of the project which cannot be changed or are beyond your control. In the mist of completing your tasks, do set aside time for yourself to do the things you enjoy, such as a carrying our a hobby or catching with friends.
- Set Realistic Goal ~ Whether it is at work or at play, setting realistic goals can help keep your spirits up and motivate you to move forward. Even the most complicated task seems less ovewhelming when you break it down into smaller, more manageable steps.
- Take Care Of Your Body ~ It is all to easy to neglect our body when we feel stressed or anxious. Being physically fit benefits your mental and emotional health as well.
Eat Healthily ~ A balanced diet is vital in helping us achieve goood mental health. Nutritional Immunology has given me the wisdom to choose eating wholesome foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) for my good health.
- Get Active ~ regular exercise does not only keep our bodies fit, it also helps regulate our moods and make us feel better. Do any form of exercise or a sport you enjoy for 30 minutes a day, 5 or more days a week to keep yourself physically active and emotionally uplifted!
- Get Enough Rest ~ Ensure you get enough sleep so you will feel well rested upon waking up. Stessful situations can seem more difficult to slove when you feel tired. In contrast, you will feel more equipped to handle challenging situations if you have had sufficient rest the night before.
- Take Up A Hobby ~ Taking up a hobby or learning a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument, stimulates your mind. Such activities are also a welcome break from the daily demands you face at home and at work.
I believe practising these 10 simple tips will lead you quickly to good mental health easily and joyfully.
Article Source: Singapore Health Promotion Board
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[…] If you experience any of the above described, I’ve given the 10 tips that you could regain good mental health again. […]
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one of the best things to incorporate with Stress Management is meditation and deep breating exercises.*,~
in third world countries, mental health is never a priority.;;~
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@ Muhammad ~ I fully agree!
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[…] 10 Tips to Achieve Good Mental Health […]
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mental health should always be monitored closely in the same way we monitor the health of our body,~”
mental health is of course very important but most people just ignore it and focus more on their body *'”
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