Nutritional Immunology

Malfunction of Immune System

How Our Human Immune System Work?

The Immune System – When did it get it Right?

Nutritional Immunology by Dr Jau-Fei Chen

Maintaining Health and Harmony in the Modern World

I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s so secret that it’s obvious (a secrect is always safest from large-scale public attention when it is kept right in front of the public’s nose). And of course, like all truths, it is quite simple in concept and quite difficult in execution. Here, then, is the […]


Hey, some good information on hypertension or some may just call it high blood pressure.

Nutrition in Plants

Our body needs wholesome nutrients to perform perfectly. Apart from strengthening our defenses, these nutrients aid the body in growth and development, cell repair, and a variety of physiological functions. Many of us think that protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats are the only nutrients we need. Actually, there are three other types of nutrients […]

Sleep Deprivation Causes Emotional Instability

Anyone who has experienced sleep deprivation knows the impact that it can have on your mind and body. Now researchers from UC Berkeley and Harvard Medical School have found a neural link between lack of sleep and emotional instability. Using brain imaging in the first neural investigation into what happens to the emotional brain without […]

Healthy Living

All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. However, most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients due to our harried lifestyles. The following strategies will help you to jump-start healthy eating habits. Morning Must-haves Researchers at the Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third […]

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